School Commission!

The School Commission is established by the Pastor, in accordance with Archdiocesan policy, to advise him and the Principal in policy development and long-range planning for the school. The Commission is an advisory body to the Pastor and Principal in the formulation of local policies affecting the parish school—the Principal functions as the Commission’s executive officer. 

The overall purpose of the Commission is to advise and support the pastor/priest administrator and principal in the operation of the parish school. The Commission may be responsible for the following: Assessing the needs of the school community.  

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of the school in performing its educational and formational missions. 
  • Recommending policies and conducting strategic planning for school operations.  
  • Collaborating with the pastor/priest administrator and principal to educate the parish as a whole about the importance of the school while building a sense of connection with the overall parish mission.  
  • Collaborating with the pastor/priest administrator and principal to educate other parishes about the school’s mission.  
  • Working collaboratively with the pastoral council and other consultative bodies.  

Who is a member

The Commission consists of seven to nine members. Names are nominated by the parents of students enrolled in the school and school staff. Members are selected by a process of discernment and consensus. Additional voting members are the Chairperson of the Parents’ Club and two members appointed by the Pastor and Principal. All members are voting members except the Pastor and School Staff. Members usually serve for a period of three years, and terms are staggered to maintain stability of long-range goals and directions.  

The Commission may establish temporary committees according to the current needs of the school. Members of the committees may be other school parents or parishioners, depending on the expertise needed to meet the committee’s goals.  

School Commission Sub-committees 

  • Curriculum: SFC School will maintain an up-to-date, relevant, and aligned curriculum, ensuring it is holistic and well-rounded to effectively meet the diverse academic needs of students in order to provide both advanced challenges and remedial support 
  • Facilities/Safety: SFC School will work collaboratively with St. Frances Cabrini Parish toward the development of a master plan for campus-wide facility needs, along with an adequate funding plan and timeline that will support the master plan. Address safety concerns around the school campus. Example actions: create a repair and replacement plan for major school facility systems/needs (i.e. windows, oil tanks, gate codes, etc).  
  • Finance: SFC School will strive to be affordable and accessible to families wanting their children to have a Catholic education. Create and implement a strategy for long-term financial planning that ensures financial sustainability. Example actions: work collaboratively with the pastor toward the development of a structured tuition plan that recognizes stewardship contributions of school families who are St. Frances Cabrini Parish parishioners. 
  • Marketing/Enrollment/Retention: SFC School will create and maintain a robust and comprehensive marketing plan that strives to retain existing students, recruit new students, and support the vitality of the school. Example actions: maintain active recruitment, enrollment, and retention efforts; create marketing plans and measurement tools of success for each of our target focus areas: Catholic parishes, military, and within Lakewood and its surrounding communities. 
  • Catholic Identity: SFC School will provide a Christ-centered educational experience for families wanting their children to have a Catholic education, with a strong focus on academic excellence, Catholic identity, and spiritual formation. Example actions: develop a school-wide mission that serves our local community in alignment with the school’s accreditation goal. 
  • Technology: SFC School will maintain a comprehensive, progressive technology plan that supports the delivery of the school’s curriculum. Example actions: conduct a technology assessment and submit a written technology report to the principal and the School Commission on an annual basis. Assist with the school website. Provide recommendations for projected technological advancement. 

How to get Involved? 

Share your time and talent as an active member in one of our School Commission Sub-committees. This is your opportunity to influence your child’s educational experience while obtaining your volunteer hours. Parents and Parishioners are always welcome to visit Commission meetings. Meeting dates/times are noted on the school calendar.

We meet once a month on the 3rd Wednesday at 6:00 pm via Microsoft Teams. 

Commission Chairs 

Annette Beerbower – Chairperson, Kerrie Fowler – Vice-Chairperson, Mariam Miramontes – Secretary, Parent Club Liaison – Lisa Parker

Sub-committees members 

 Amina Freeman, DeAnna Bridenback, Janelle Mock, and Barbara Steve