Tuition Assistance

Fulcrum Tuition Assistance Grant applications are accepted for the following school year from October to December for the 2024-2025 school year. Applications must be submitted by December 16, 2023. The Fulcrum Tuition Assistance Grant Program is designed for families and students currently enrolled or applying for the next school year in any Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Seattle. A family must apply each year through FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment to qualify for a grant—all awards are made based on financial need. Go to the Frequently Asked Questions page on the Fulcrum website to learn more about Fulcrum Tuition Assistance Program.

We recognize that the cost of Catholic education can be difficult for some of our families. For that reason, we offer two types of financial aid:
Tuition Assistance Grant application forms: 

  • St. Frances Cabrini Parish grant application request from the parish office.
  • St. Frances Cabrini School Tuition Assistance Application (same application through FACTS).
  • Members of St. John Bosco Parish or other parishes must request the application directly from their parish office. 

Parish Grants may be given to those St. Frances Cabrini and St. John Bosco families who: 
• Have been registered in the parish for at least 6 months or just moved in and registered. 
• Regularly worship as a family with the parish community. 
• Share time and talent with the parish community. 
• Completed and returned to the parish the annual Sacrificial Giving Pledge card. 
• Demonstrate to the Parish a pattern of consistent financial support; and regular use of envelopes. 

Tuition Assistance: 

The school gives financial support based on demonstrated needs. A financial disclosure form and income tax report are required for the application process. The amount of financial assistance depends on the number of requests and the funds available from donations to the Annual School Giving Campaign and our Endowment Fund.  After that due date, we continue accepting applications until funds are distributed and unavailable. All requests must be completed online through the FACTS Grant & Aid Application.  Apply on the Fulcrum website.

Follow the directions, and then you can print it and send the copy to St. Frances Cabrini School. 

Please note: Tuition assistance applications must be completed each year for grades Kindergarten through 8th. All applicants must apply through FACTS to be considered. The Fulcrum Foundation will not accept late applications.