At St. Frances Cabrini School, we are fortunate to have an excellent Pre-Kindergarten Program for 3 and 4-year-olds. Our exceptional teachers for this program are Ms. Patti Delgado, Mrs. Violeta Herrera, and Ms. Olga Huerta. Who has years of early childhood development experience and hearts of angels? It is a nurturing and academic environment with an emphasis on the development of the whole child through play. Education for the Pre-Kindergartener involves the whole child as a very active learner. At this age, children need a safe, nurturing environment to foster individual development. Our curriculum supports whole-child development and learning.
Pre-kindergarten children learn best through play and interactions. They are constantly on the move, curious about their environment and things in it. They are developing their motor, social, and communication skills and are acquiring the foundation for academic skills and basic knowledge of religion on which to build.
Ms. Patricia Delgado has over 30 years of experience in preschool education. She is the lead Pre-K teacher at St. Frances Cabrini School and coordinates all curricula. Ms. Delgado holds a BA from Seattle University and an Early Childhood degree from Pierce College. She taught both Head Start and ECEAP (Early Childhood Education and Assistance Programs) for many years before coming to St. Frances Cabrini School in 1997. This is when our Pre-Kindergarten program began. Ms. Delgado was our first PreK teacher.
Mrs. Violeta Herrera joined the Cabrini family in 2021 as an assistant to Mrs. Vlad. Her time at Cabrini has reignited her passion for working with children. She is currently pursuing a degree in Early Childhood Education. Violeta is a proud mother of two children who are also enrolled at Cabrini. She values her family and enjoys spending time with them. Her dedication to her family and education reflects her genuine passion for nurturing and educating young minds, making her a valued member of the Cabrini community.
Ms. Olga Huerta has over 8 years of experience in Early Childhood Education. She is the lead Pre-K teacher at St. Frances Cabrini Catholic School in the afternoon and serves as an assistant in the morning. Before coming to St. Frances Cabrini School, Ms. Huerta worked for the Clover Park school district as a Bilingual Instructional Assistant in ECEAP classrooms and as an interpreter during conference season. She holds an associate degree in early childhood education. Ms. Huerta loves children and is an enthusiastic, nurturing educator.
A Pre-Kindergarten child’s faith and spiritual development relies on tangible experiences.
• Starts with the family and what has been modeled.
• Prayer and tradition are learned through repetition.
• Bible stories are heard, but recalling and articulating them may be challenging.
• Monthly Faith Formation songs are introduced and practiced.
Pre-Kindergarten children are typically egocentric but have the capacity to learn how to care for others and demonstrate caring behavior.
• Play may be solitary, but some are ready to work in pairs and eventually in small groups.
• They will learn and practice how to have positive peer interactions and resolve differences with peaceful resolutions that are taught and modeled.
• Interest is sustained if the activity is something they like.
Pre-Kindergarteners’ development relies on good health, proper nutrition, and a safe environment.
• The ability to do simple tasks gives them a sense of pride and accomplishment.
• Large motor skills involve using the large muscles of the body, and small motor skills involve the use of the wrist and hand.
Special Activities:
• Regularly contribute to individual WOW (Wonderful, Outstanding, Work) books
• With the help of parent volunteers, decorate special holiday cookies and make “presents” for special occasions
• Exchange of Valentine’s cards
Pre-Kindergarten children join with the rest of our school in the following activities:
• Mass and religious celebrations/traditions
• Christmas Program, Learning Fair, Grandparents’ Day, Field Day activities
In Pre-Kindergarten, the children learn to show care and concern for others by coloring hearts and angels and making thumbprint angel cards for those in need of support and recognition. The Pre-Kindergarten children have come to be known as the “Pre-K Band of Angels.” They also participate in a joint outreach activity with Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade.
Religion: This is at the core of Pre-Kindergarten. Children are on the brink of discovering God and His importance in every aspect of their lives. Positive social interactions and stewardship go hand in hand with daily learning. It is important that children hear stories from the Bible, learn religious songs, and participate in service to others.
Language Arts: Interest in the spoken and written language is maximized through daily activities which include stories, finger plays, poems, and writing challenges.
Math Readiness: Opportunities to count, sort, pattern, and name numbers are given during tub time, center enrichment, and small group activities.
Art: Open-ended art allows the children to explore tools and materials in a variety of ways. Directed art helps them learn how to follow multistep instructions and demonstrate pride in their work that will carry into the upper grades.
Music: At least once each week, children have the opportunity to move to music, learn and practice new songs, learn about keeping the beat, and play simple instruments such as rhythm sticks or bells.
Motor Development: The children participate in a once-a-week P.E. class and outside recess. Small motor activities and the use of a variety of manipulatives help form the basis for pre-writing skills. Large motor activities promote the development of muscles for walking, running, jumping, and skipping.
Self-Help: Children have opportunities to feel empowered by the many things they can do independently such as: carry their own backpack, pin on a name tag, zip a coat, set the snack table, wash hands, manage transitions, and many more.