Meet Father Lou

Dear parents,

Jesus Christ loves your child.  That is the reason why we want to collaborate with you to help them grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ in the Catholic Church.  Our school is meant to be a locus where they encounter all of the different avenues that God has touched their education, firstly in growing in the virtues (, secondly in growing in fidelity and trust in God and all of the gifts He has given to them, and thirdly using those gifts to develop their intellectual knowledge and curiosity of God’s great world He has given to each of us.

Mrs. Dewar and I are excited to collaborate with you, the primary teachers of your children, to assist you and them in this great task.  We will have great opportunities in the coming year to know each other, to pray with each other, and to grow in our knowledge, love, and service of Jesus Christ with each other.  Our task is not easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is!  From the many distractions your children face with social media and a self-inventing culture, our school will help your children know the truth found in Christ and then to virtuously respond to it with a joyful orthodoxy that proclaims our reason for life: Jesus Christ.  

Our parish school is an apostolate of our Lakewood Catholic Parish Family.  It is one of the many ways that we seek to bring all of Lakewood into the deep friendship that Jesus desires with each of us.  Please know of my prayers for you in this upcoming academic year and I look forward to meeting you and your children.

Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat!

Jesus conquers, Jesus reigns, Jesus rules over all!